
Amy Schumer Says John Cena Was ‘Actually Inside Her’ During X-Rated Scene

Her character is reluctant to embrace monogamy but finds herself entangled in a series of relationships, including one with Cena’s character, Steven, a devoted gym enthusiast.

Their on-screen romance led to a particularly memorable and racy scene, which the two actors have since discussed on multiple occasions.


Amy Schumer starred alongside John Cena in the 2015 romantic comedy Trainwreck. Credit:

Universal Pictures

Schumer previously shared her astonishment at Cena’s physique, saying (per the Daily Star): “It’s a whole universe, that butt… It’s not even human.

It felt like having a refrigerator on top of me.”

Jokingly, she added: “I think it was probably harder for him. He had to, like, do something. I just did what I usually do when I have s**


On the other hand, Cena described filming the scene as ‘awkward.’

In a 2015 interview with Conan, the professional wrestler admitted: “It was awkward. And they wanted awkward, so we gave them awkward.”

John Cena said it was ‘real embarrassing’ filming the s** scene with Amy Schumer. Credit:

Universal Pictures

During an appearance on Shannon Sharpe’s Club Shay Shay podcast, Cena elaborated on the challenges of shooting the scene.


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